Amira Silivasi

Daughter of Sea and Sky

'Listen my child’, you say to me
‘I am the voice of your history
Be not afraid, come follow me
Answer my call and I’ll set you free’
FreedomIt is beyond compare. At least to one who does not have it.Amira, with sun kissed skin and naturally black hair, as shiny as a raven’s feathers. Eyes as blue as the sky just after a savage storm filled morning. Born upon the island of Thavnair, under a blazing, scorching sun. The hot, arid dry land lay silent until the moment the child cried. Nightfall, and blessed silence as the child seemed to gaze in wonder up at the twinkling stars above.You may have heard the name Silivasi, in the form of Captain Haakon Silivasi. Publicly, once in the employ of Thanvair's Satrap, though whispers abound that he worked for a much darker, sinister individual. There was no denying his prowess on the seas however. It was said that his skill at avoiding the law and at finding such rich ships to plunder could be attributed to a lucky charm, or something as simple as foreseen knowledge.

Moral Alignment - Chaotic Dark Squirrel
Age - 24
Hair - As ever changing as the weather.
Eyes - Cobalt blue
Figure - Athletic with curves to remind one she is a girl indeed.
Height - 5 fulms 10 ilms
Sexuality - Bisexual, Hard masculinity leaning
Distinguishing Marks - Wind rune tattoo'd on her left cheek. Tattoo of the Ewer and Arrow constellations over her heart/upper chest. A sea serpent tattoo that wraps from the inside of her right thigh, front of thigh, around her hips and lower back, then its head running up under her ribcage. It's mouth open in a silent song of rage.
Observations one can notice - She fidgets a lot, something always having to move, a leg, or fingers tapping. Swaying as if to music.
- To those sensitive to such, she has a strong well of aether.
Common Accessories - A silver grey sphere, made of garlean steel. It exudes a strong presence of aether, not unlike what Amira herself exudes. It is made in layers with all the constellations etched into it's surface. A focus for more then just magical means.
- A simple interlinked ring upon the middle finger of her left hand.
- A dagger strapped upon her calf if not on her hip. Wrapped in tight reddish-black leather around the grip.


The tragedy is not to die, but to be wasted.

Amira Silivasi. From daughter of a sea captain to the apprentice of a crime lord. A name as known in certain circles as that of her father. Though, a much more prominent individual, she is known as The Spider of Kugane.From the sea to land. She found a new home on the peaceful shores of the Rhotano Sea in the Mist. Under the watchful gaze of her master and other mentors chosen she is learning who she can become.

If we learn our limitations too soon, we never learn our true power.

Through a friendly, warm smile she greets the world. Her eyes however, remain guarded, though it could be mistaken for observation, an innocent learning the ways of those much more experienced then her. An exuberant bundle of energy as she greets each new experience, nothing keeps her down for long.

In her heart and soul she set fire to all things that held her back and from the ashes she stepped into who she always was.

She dones a flawless mask; however, those of like might sense the darkness hidden in her soul. A streak that runs as deep as the aether that wells within her.


The sun watches what I do, but the moon knows all my secrets.

From sandy beaches to the deep shadows of the forest, she has taken to working as a high-end escort, perhaps not needing the money so much as to sating her curiosity and indulging herself with intriguing people. It seems as if there are few adventures and hobbies she won't entertain.


'That which you mistake for madness, is but an overacuteness of the senses.'

From an early age she has found herself seeing visions, often times finding herself viewing those same scenes in the future. Having no control they seemed to control her and oftentimes scared those around her who heard her words.On one of his frequent visits to her mother her father discovered this ability and discovered a sudden interest in this otherwise ignored child of his loins. After that she was never far from his side. Whether it was her choice or not, most cared not. It was rumored that men and women had died because of her. His fortunes were on the rise, and as his infamy as a pirate with a sadistic cruelty rose, those sent to capture him never seemed to find him or he evaded all their traps. Did he have some sort of foreknowledge?

"I will not have you without the darkness that hides within you. I will not let you have me without the madness that makes me. If our demons cannot dance, neither can we."


** Most of the information given above can be used as a means to approach. But if you need some other ideas here are a couple below.
- Do you recognize the Silivasi name? If you're the type to hang in the more port cities known to house pirates and other cutthroats, or mingle among the fences and merchants willing to sell stolen goods you may have heard of or seen the wanted posters given out. Though the physical description given would be of a black haired young woman, timid, and known to sound quite mad.
- She loves a good fight, the more chance there will be blood drawn the more likely she'd be there. Perhaps you saw her in the audience, or want to invite her to such an event. She is even known to endulge in a bet or three.- She could be recognized from her time on stage during their House's arcane auctions. It would be known that they not only sell, but sometimes will buy items of arcane curiosity. **

OOC Notes

**A few things to note due to if it's not here there are misunderstandings.- Amira is a darker themed character and RP with those playing a 'good' guy or gal will find that we don't have a lot of things in common outside of a roleplay or two. She is quite friendly and social on the outside, but there are only so many shenanigans she can drag your character into if you frown on most of the things she enjoys.- I'm not activily seeking a romantic type of relationship for Amira, but am not opposed to slow burn if it happens organically. Due to the nature of the character, I do want it to remain an 'open' relationship though it is possible (slim) that is something that might change. I also insist on ooc communication, particularly since my job hours are brutal to work around and most my hours online are around midnight est.-I also just enjoy harmless, or not so harmless, flirting and teasing.- If your character is on the opposite side of the room and you suddenly start to RP to me in whisper like you are standing next to me and I don't know you, you will be ignored.These last three should not have to be stated, but for clarity's sake I will also post them here.- If IC and OOC blending become a problem, I will terminate the RP and cut all contact, and ICly write a reason for why my character will now be ignoring yours.- I am not Amira.. and while most of her RP is harmless, she is capable of being cruel and heartless. I can guarantee that I will be cringing and wincing each time she is.- I am an adult player, with adult children. I expect my RP partners to also be 21+ and carry a level of maturity **

***If you've made it this far and you are still interested in meeting my character by all means walk up or send me a tell. If I'm standing around in the Sands or The Drowning Wench and have no RP tag, feel free to whisper me to see if I'm in the mood to RP.Songs that I feel portrait Amira's personality
- Get My Way by Vosai & Riell
- Animal by Riell ft Jim Yosef
- Psycho by EMM
- Goddess by Jaira Burns
- Control by Camila Cabello
- Voices by Hidden Citizens ft Vanessa Campagna
- Blood by LIUFO
This carrd is a continual WIP as long as this message remains. :P ******Art work I found online that attributed to much of what started Amira on her path in my mind. ***